

Denver, CO   Joined August 1st, 2014
54 Instructables   267,989 Views   10 Comments   158 Followers

ideaLAB is the name of the Denver Public Library's free all-ages makerspaces. We have labs at 6 libraries around the city of Denver - Central, Hadley, Hampden, Montbello, Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales, and Sam Gary. Each lab has slightly different tools and hours, so visit our website to learn more.

idealab's Instructables

IdeaLAB MakeIt!

IdeaLAB MakeIt!

IdeaLAB ¡Hazlo!

IdeaLAB ¡Hazlo!

Fairy Garden in a Jar

Fairy Garden in a Jar

DIY Washer Necklace

DIY Washer Necklace

Simple Macrame Plant Hanger

Simple Macrame Plant Hanger

Block Printing With Foam Stamps

Block Printing With Foam Stamps

Cardboard Loom

Cardboard Loom

Cardboard Tube Critters

Cardboard Tube Critters

DIY Watercolors

DIY Watercolors



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