Build-A-Tool Contest

54 Entries, 20 Prizes


The Instructables Build-a-Tool Contest challenges you to design and construct a one-of-a-kind tool.

The tool could be anything - be it to assist you in your daily chores, a specialized device for a hobby or craft, or even a revolutionary gadget that could change how we solve everyday problems. Unleash your creativity, explore the boundaries of what a 'tool' can be, and showcase your design and building skills.

The focus is not just on the innovative aspect of the design, but also its functionality, usability, and the ability for others to recreate it. Please include clear, step-by-step instructions with your entry to allow others to benefit from your creation.

There's a special Judges Prize up for grabs specifically for a student created entry (ages 13 and over, open to those enrolled in school or homeschooled). Make sure you specify your School and age to qualify for the Judges Prize.


Share a project that is about building a tool that serves a function.