Fix It Contest

99 Entries, 19 Prizes


Are you tired of seeing your favorite things end up in the trash just because they have a little hiccup? Well, fret no more! We're here to celebrate the art of fixing and reviving items with the Fix It! Contest.

Whether it's a broken toaster, a worn-out pair of jeans, or a lonely old chair missing a leg, we want to see your creative solutions to give them a new lease on life. We believe in the power of resourcefulness, ingenuity, and a touch of DIY magic!

So, dust off your toolboxes, gather your sewing kits, and let your imagination run wild. It's time to show off your skills, share your step-by-step guides, and inspire others to join the movement of sustainability and conscious consumption.

Not only will you have a chance to win fantastic prizes, but you'll also be making a positive impact on the environment by reducing waste. Remember, every repaired item is a small victory against throwaway culture!